Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sleep-deprived doctors

“I did my internship in internal medicine and residency in neurology before laws existed to regulate resident hours. My first two years were extremely brutal, working 110 to 120 hours/week, and up to 40 hours straight. I got to witness colleagues collapse unconscious in the hallway during rounds, and I recall once falling asleep in the bed of an elderly comatose woman while trying to start an IV on her in the wee hours of the morning.”

“I ran a red light driving home in residency after a 36-hour shift. Got pulled over. It was sobering: I was not fit to use my driver’s license, but I had just been using my MEDICAL license for over a day non-stop!”… 

“After a 36-hour shift, I fell asleep and began dreaming while walking home — repeatedly. It was a four-block walk.”

“I fell asleep multiple times at the light at the intersection right at my neighborhood after call. I would see home was close and relax just enough. I had a baby, and I was so afraid of forgetting him in the back seat if I ever had him with me I would put his bag in the front with me and my stuff in the back with him. Luckily, nothing bad happened in either situation, but I just got lucky.”

“I have fallen asleep at the wheel thousands of times since medical school. I literally would wake up the next day in my work clothes and not even remember leaving the hospital. I drive from 45 min to 4 hrs to rural hospitals now and in training, currently working up to 7 straight 24s in a row.”

“I was post-call after a 30-hour shift and rear-ended a car while driving uphill. No one was hurt, but I remember the guy saying ” you hit me driving up hill.”…

“I was so sleep deprived that I’d fall asleep while writing patient notes and write my dreams into the notes. I’ve fallen asleep on a pile of charts only to have the nurses cover me with blankets. I woke panicked because I was hours behind in my work. I’ve fallen asleep standing up in surgery and witnessed my attending doctors fall asleep while doing surgery. I actually passed out at the end of a 36-hour shift and woke up on a stretcher in the recovery room.”

“A dear friend from med school died during her neurosurgery residency. Drove over a median into a tractor-trailer after a 30+ hour shift. She left behind her family, including a twin sister and her fiance. She was 30.”…

“During internship, I was driving home after a 30-hour call. It was dark and rainy out. The usual road I took home was closed, so after some roundabout driving, I got on to the garden state parkway in NJ going in the wrong direction. Thankfully a police car saw me and pulled me over as I realized I was going into oncoming traffic. He escorted me all the way home.”

“I was working in the NICU and commuting 45 miles each way to and from the hospital when I was involved in a serious car accident in which my car was completely totaled. My program directors were upset that I did not make it back to work the next day (as I had to deal with insurance, get a rental car, etc.) Before this, I had a perfect driving record.”…

“I have gained easily a hundred pounds over the years in part from eating to stay awake. The state police have woken me up on the side of the road many times when I pulled off the highway to sleep because I couldn’t stay awake until the next exit.”

Are these the doctors you want to see in the hospital? Protect yourself and your loved ones. Always ask, “How long have you been on your shift, Doc?”

Courtesy of Doximity

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