Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sarah Atwell

Sarah Atwell of Nova Scotia, Canada was just a baby when her new stepdad Kenny noticed her face was beginning to look different.

Eventually, Tara couldn’t help but agree with Kenny — that her daughter’s appearance was changing in an unusual way. That’s because Sarah had neurofibromatosis.

Neurofibromatosis is a rare congenital condition that caused a massive tumor to develop over the right half Sarah’s face. As years passed, the tumor grew and grew, causing her face to droop drastically downwards.

The issues brought on by the condition were mostly cosmetic, but no doctor was willing to perform the risky surgery it required. Sarah was devastated to learn she would be forced to grow older with the large tumor.

As a result, Sarah faced constant bullying during her adolescence. For years, she was teased and taunted, and called names like “fat face” and “ugly.” The harassment got so bad that she began isolating herself from others and avoiding social situations.

At the age of 17, Sarah was ready to take a stand and speak out about the bullying she endured on a daily basis. She posted a powerful viral video online and shared her story via handwritten cue cards.

Not only did the video spur an outpouring of love and support, but a doctor came forward and agreed to help. Sarah has finally begun the process of removing her facial tumor.

Meet this amazing individual in the video below, and please SHARE Sarah’s bravery with your friends on Facebook.

More video at:

Courtesy of my daughter.




  2. She has trouble speaking, has suffered through over 20 surgeries and was tormented for years by her classmates in school.

    But Courtney Blackmore, 20, doesn’t let her cystic hygroma — a rare condition that causes growths in her chin and neck— get in the way of her budding performance career.

    In order to stand up to her bullies, the Sonora, California, native posts videos of herself singing covers of popular indie and pop songs onto her YouTube channel CourtneyLuvsToSing.

    “I have had people ask me, ‘Why do you upload? You know you are different. You know you are going to get hate,'” Courtney told Barcroft.

    Video at link
